Telephone talking

Author: KWH

Created: 12/08/2024 Last Modified: 12/08/2024

Adult / CYP: Adult

Categories: Social Anxiety

Experience Narrative:

I will order a Chinese takeaway from my local provider for myself and my family. I will ask for what I want and have this delivered. I will make a list of what my family want.

Belief to be tested:

I will make a fool of myself, I will not be able to understand the person on the phone. I will get the order wrong and my family will be annoyed with me 80% it will go wrong!

Alternative Perspective:

I will be stressed but if I have a list then I can double check this. The person on the phone may be ok to understand and if I get something wrong then my family will understand. 40%

Safety Behaviours to drop:

Saying Erms Asking my family to be next to me on the call putting the phone down in a panic and then cancelling the order

Client reflections:

It went ok, I had to decide on some things that I'd forgotten to ask my family about which was a sudden change but I think I did a good job and my family managed to have a lovely meal. I can with practice make more conversations and decisions using the telephone. 40% I'll get it wrong

Practitioner reflections:

The task was good because it also challenged the rule that 'I must please others or they will be upset with me' meaning I am rejectable/inadequate

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